Feminist Knitting Patterns!

One of these sunny but still fresh spring days you might find yourself in need for a good, feminist outfit. You have you witty t-shirts ready, but at least where I am right now, it’s not really t-shirt weather yet. So what to do? The answer is a hand-knit sweater/hat/scarf with the message of your choice! You will be ready this time when there is unexpected cold weather just in time for pride…

The other day I read this really nice article „Ten Knitting Patterns for Crafty Feminists“ on The Toast, which has great examples for knitted accessories with feminist messages. However, I am more looking for sweater-inspiration, as there is much more space to get creative. So I did some research and came up with the following:

The Woman’s Woolly

image via feministbookclub.wordpress.com

I first saw this image on @h_e_r_s_t_o_r_y’s Instagram, which is already an amazing source of inspiration, and then later read more about it on The Feminist Bookclub. I am sure this sweater would be quite easy to replicate using a simple sweater pattern and inserting a self drafted band of women’s symbols!

The Feminist Sweater

image via the thestylerookie.com

Read more about Tavi Gevinson’s iconic Feminist Sweater over on Style Rookie, and how she got it from Bikini Kill’s Kathleen Hanna. To recreate it exactly, you would probably need a knitting machine, but I saw several images of people with simplified, hand-knit versions of the sweater. More work than the Woman’s Woolly, but also more impressive, I would say!

Everything by Artist Lisa Ann Auerbach


image credit: Lisa Ann Auerbach

The US-american artist is creating sweaters that talk back since 1994, and they cover a wide range of topics from bike lanes to Barack Obama to the war in Irak. You can see all of her work on her website lisaannauerbach.com. It’s fascinating! She even made a zine on the similarities in styling and posture of bondage and knitting pattern magazine photo shoots.

If you prefer to knit your Feminist Sweater with an already existing pattern, I found some great stuff on Ravelry:

Rainbow Mosaic Baby Sweater by Betty P Balcomb

image credit Betty P Balcomb

Misandry Hat by Glitz Knits Boutique

image credit Glitz Knits Boutique

Wonder Woman Sweater by Natalie Bursztyn (and it’s for free!)

image credit Natalie Bursztyn

Now dare someone say knitting isn’t political!!!